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Here's why people recommend acupuncture.

Some cases - taken from the stories in my book.

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Oz's tale

“When my Spaniel Oz was nearly put to sleep due to his unmanageable back pain – having exhausted all the painkiller options – we tried it. He was restored and we are forever grateful”

Kizi's tale

“We were amazed when our Yorkshire Terrier Kizi – who had a liver condition – improved to the extent that she didn’t need frequent hospitalisation!”

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Petra's tale

“We were amazed when our Yorkshire Terrier Kizi – who had a liver condition – improved to the extent that she didn’t need frequent hospitalisation!”

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Cat's tale

“We were amazed when our Yorkshire Terrier Kizi – who had a liver condition – improved to the extent that she didn’t need frequent hospitalisation!”

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And the humans' tales


“When I saw how mobile and full of energy my Labrador Oscar was after starting acupuncture for his osteoarthritis, I wanted to try it for myself – it has really helped me cope with my polymyalgia and reduced the need for so much medication (for us both).”

Chronic back pain

“I was worried I would become hooked on opiates again; now I only need to take occasional medication – a weight has been lifted off me and I’m getting great nights’ sleep.”

Loss of smell and taste

“After 18 months with practically no sense of smell or taste, I felt miserable – until there was an almost immediate return with acupuncture. After a few sessions I got them back 95% and I’m so happy! My ENT consultant was amazed!”


“The relief from the headaches I got from acupuncture helped me think more clearly – therefore I could reassess my job and lifestyle and make changes”.

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Keloid scar tissue


“When I saw how mobile and full of energy my Labrador Oscar was after starting acupuncture for his osteoarthritis, I wanted to try it for myself – it has really helped me cope with my polymyalgia and reduced the need for so much medication (for us both).”

Chronic back pain

“I was worried I would become hooked on opiates again; now I only need to take occasional medication – a weight has been lifted off me and I’m getting great nights’ sleep.”

Loss of smell and taste

“After 18 months with practically no sense of smell or taste, I felt miserable – until there was an almost immediate return with acupuncture. After a few sessions I got them back 95% and I’m so happy! My ENT consultant was amazed!”


“The relief from the headaches I got from acupuncture helped me think more clearly – therefore I could reassess my job and lifestyle and make changes”.

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And the human's tale

“When I saw how mobile and full of energy my Labrador Oscar was after starting acupuncture for his osteoarthritis, I wanted to try it for myself – it has really helped me cope with my polymyalgia and reduced the need for so much medication (for us both).”

“I was worried I would become hooked on opiates again; now I only need to take occasional medication – a weight has been lifted off me and I’m getting great nights’ sleep.”

“After 18 months with practically no sense of smell or taste, I felt miserable – until there was an almost immediate return with acupuncture. After a few sessions I got them back 95% and I’m so happy! My ENT consultant was amazed!”

“The relief from the headaches I got from acupuncture helped me think more clearly – therefore I could reassess my job and lifestyle and make changes”.

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